Prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of cardiovascular complications of Chagas disease

Salvando Latidos, A.C.. Venue: (varios)

Area of Activity: Diagnóstico y/o biomarcadores, Epidemiology, Treatment
Type of Project: Capacity Building, Research & Translation
In a tripartite alliance between the Health Services of Oaxaca, Novartis Mexico and Salvando Latidos A.C., awareness-raising, prevention, diagnosis, care, research and training campaigns will be strengthened in the fight against Chagas disease. With the aim of co-creating and co-executing a comprehensive strategy of a model of care and follow-up of patients with Chagas cardiomyopathy that promotes equitable access in second and third level units, and allows reducing average patient journey times, for the benefit of vulnerable groups.
The methodology to use broadly is:
  1. Producing and disseminating printed and spots radio, posters aimed at the general population, with information on Chagas disease.
  2. A continuing education programme and workshops will be designed for first, second and third contact health professionals.
  3. Previously trained health personnel will intentionally search for people with suspected T. cruzi infection and confirm infection will be performed cardiological evaluations.
  4. All diagnoses will be given treatment and follow-up.
** There is an agreement where each institution adopts specific responsibilities according to the scope of each to achieve the objectives**.