
Instituto Salud Global

The Barcelona Institute for Global Health, ISGlobal, is the fruit of an innovative alliance between academic, government, and philanthropic institutions to contribute to the efforts undertaken by the international community to address the challenges in global health.


ISGlobal provides a hub of excellence dedicated to scientific research and the provision of health care. The institute, which originated in a joint initiative of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and the University of Barcelona, has amassed over 30 years of experience in the field of global health. The pivotal mechanism of its work model is the transfer of knowledge generated by scientific research to practice, a task undertaken by the Training and Policy and Global Development departments.


Its ultimate goal is to help close the gaps in health disparities between and within different regions of the world.


Since 2013, the Barcelona Institute for Global Health works in alliance with the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL).


ISGlobal researchers have been involved in research and training related to Chagas disease since 2002 and ISGlobal is currently working on an intervention strategy in Bolivia, the country most affected by this forgotten disease. This strategy intervenes on three levels: measures aimed at providing direct care for patients in order to improve the full cycle of care (prevention, diagnosis, and treatment); training of health care professionals in the management of Chagas disease; and the development of research protocols through a joint scientific platform.



Contributing to the global fight against Chagas disease by adapting the protocol-based model to the structures of the Bolivian National Health System to create an inclusive healthcare network

CEADES, Cochabamba (Bolivia) - ISGlobal, Barcelona (España) - Bolivian National Chagas Control Programme, - Universidad Autónoma Juan Misael Saracho, Tarija, Bolivia - Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia - Corazónes Unidos por el Chagas, Cochabamba, Bolivia - Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), a través de la Oficina Técnica de Cooperación en La Paz,

Changes in serologic markers, diastolic function markers and segmental contractility detected by echocardiography in Chagas disease following antiparasitic treatment

ISGlobal, Barcelona (España) - International Health Department (Tropical Medicine Section), Cardiology Department, and Microbiology/Parasitology Departments at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Spain

Programme to raise awareness in Catalonia about preventing the vertical transmission of Chagas disease

ISGlobal, Barcelona (España) - ISGlobal, Barcelona (España) - Fundación Mundo Sano and ELEA, Argentina - Catalan Government, Spain

Fortalecimiento del Sistema de Salud para el diagnóstico de enfermedades desatendidas, en especial Chagas, en Cochabamba (Bolivia)

CEADES, Cochabamba (Bolivia) - ISGlobal, Barcelona (España) - PROBITAS FOUNDATION, Barcelona, España

Projects in which we are partners