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The FDA registers the first drug ever approved in the U.S. to treat Chagas disease

The registration of Benznidazole for children means a step forward to overcome many barriers to treatment.


Un plan para detener la transmisión de madre a hijo en América Latina

El ETMI es un marco diseñado para la eliminación, en el continente latinoamericano, de la transmisión materno-infantil del VIH, la sífilis y, ahora también la hepatitis y la enfermedad de Chagas,


New PLOS article. Chagas Coalition members share a model for scaling up access to care.

A strategy for scaling up access to comprehensive care in adults with Chagas in endemic countries


The Chagas Coalition participated in the main PAHO and Regional Annual Meetings in Latin America

The Coalition has increased its participation in these important forums representing and working together with their members. The aim is to contribute with them and other allies by exchanging presentations, information and conclusions made in these meetings for a better knowledge sharing among the Chagas community.


Coffee Break I. Interviews on the frontline of the fight against Chagas.

We start a new series of regular interviews with different actors who fight against neglected diseases, with an special focus on the work of our colleagues and members of the Chagas Coalition. Our aim is to offer a closer and fresh view on the work of those who are on the frontline of the fight against the disease, just like when we chat in a Coffee Break.


Global Coalition Workshop. Global experts gathered in Geneva to trigger the progress in the response to Chagas disease.

The Coalition’s workshop provided an update of the challenges of access to diagnosis and treatment in the framework of the NTDs Summit around the 5th anniversary of the London Declaration.


"We are not invisible nor are we silent"

People living with Chagas claim their leading role in improving the fight against disease during the World Chagas day


La Coalición reafirma su compromiso con los pacientes de Chagas en el XIII Taller de Barcelona.

Los representantes de las organizaciones e instituciones socias proponen aprovechar el enorme potencial del trabajo conjunto y reafirmar el papel de interlocución y representación de la Coalición ante los desafíos futuros.


Los pacientes en el centro de la lucha contra el Chagas.

Ciclo de talleres de pacientes y personal sanitario. Experiencia piloto en Bolivia apoyada por La Coalición de Chagas a iniciativa de FINDECHAGAS (Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Personas Afectadas por Chagas) y que ha logrado reunir a pacientes, autoridades y personal sanitario en un espacio excepcional de encuentro para avanzar en la atención integral centrada en el paciente.


La Coalición y el Programa Nacional de Chagas en Bolivia fomentarán juntos el tratamiento de la enfermedad

El taller conjunto que se celebró en Sucre, Bolivia, reunión a varios expertos en IEC y al personal de los programas nacionales y departamentales de Chagas



Las jornadas se celebran el 27 y 28 de octubre en Sucre. El día 26, el Ministerio de Salud y el Programa Nacional de Chagas coordinan un taller sobre Estrategias de IEC.


Breaking the Silence Report

The most complete report on the current situation of Chagas disease, with the Coalition's proposals to face the challenges of access to diagnosis and treatment.


The Global Chagas Disease Coalition highlights the fact that, at the current rate, it would take 300 years to treat all those affected

To mark World Chagas Day, the Coalition presents its report “Breaking the Silence”


The BENEFIT Trial: a wake-up call to accelerate the diagnosis, treatment and research for Chagas disease

Following the recent publication of the Benefit Study results, The Chagas Global Coalition publishes an article in the PLOS Journal, highlighting the importance of starting treatment in the early stages of the disease, and the urgent need to develop better treatments for the millions of people currently living with Chagas


Chagas disease patients without access to treatment

While in the United States the potential impact of the FDA’s priority review voucher (PRV) is being dicussed, elusive access to treatment for Chagas disease is highlighted not only for the 300,000 patients in-country, but for the almost 7 million people infected worldwide.
