"Call for Experts" for the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Neglected Tropical Diseases

The World Health Organization is seeking experts to help achieve the targets of the NTD road map 2021-2030.

28 June 2022

The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking experts to serve as members of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Neglected Tropical Diseases (STAG-NTD). This “Call for Experts” notice provides information about the advisory group in question, the expert profiles being sought, the process to express interest, and the process of selection. Check about the last edition, a meeting held on 7-8 February 2022.
The STAG-NTD will be multidisciplinary, as it welcomes expressions of interest from individuals with knowledge, skills and experience in:
  • Health systems and programme delivery
  • Health policy
  • Social science
  • One health
  • Vector control
  • Water and sanitation
  • Health economics
  • Pricing, procurement, needs estimation and/or regulation of medicines
  • Country-level planning and implementation of cross-cutting activities
Documents (3): cover letter, curriculum vitae; click and complete this Declaration of Interests (DOI) form (PDF).
Send with the subject line “Expression of interest for the STAG-NTD” to: aimel@who.int 
Deadline: 16 July 2022
Note: Only selected individuals will be informed.
For further details, please visit this article in the WHO website.

XVI Conference about Chagas Disease. Access to all contents.

In this space you can check all the contents off the online #JornadaChagas2021, held on April 15-16.

15 April 2021

The conference was chaired by our Coordinator, Javier Sancho, and organised by María Jesús Pinazo, Director of the ISGlobal's Chagas Initiative and opener of the conference; and Irene Losada, Coordinator for the Chagas Initiative; amonght other professionals, with special support of the Mundo Sano foundation.

“An attention focused on people” was the topic conecting all of the presentations, round tables and posters, gathering as usual a great number of professionals from different fields related to the Chagas Disease. Also, this year it was celebrated right after the World Chagas Day, on April 14th, so this ephemeris was present on several interventions. Another matter of interest was the situation of the population affected during the COVID-19 pandemia.

You can access to all contents from #JornadaChagas2021 following the links on this page. Do not forget to share these on you social network.


Chagas Disease

For control and universal access to treatment

Global Chagas Coalition’s members contributions


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