Call for participation to choose a slogan for World Chagas Disease Day 2024

The associations of affected people set the main theme on early diagnosis and follow-up to drive the proposals.

20 November 2023

As every year, the associations of people affected by Chagas disease, members of Findechagas, in collaboration with the Technical Group No. 6 (TG6IEC-Chagas), have been consulted on the theme of the next edition of World Chagas Disease Day (WCDD); in this case, the 5th edition, in 2024.

The WCDD on April 14 was approved by the 72nd World Health Assembly, in May 2019. And in its 1st edition, in 2020, the proposed theme was “let's make Chagas disease and the people affected by it visible”.

In the 2nd edition, in 2021, the proposed theme was “universal (for everyone) and comprehensive access to (medical, psychological, social assistance, labor…) healthcare”.

In the 3rd edition, in 2022, the proposed theme was “notification and surveillance of cases and transmission of infection”, with the slogan: “help us know where and how many we are”.

In the 4th edition, in 2023, the proposed theme was “diagnosis and care for people affected by the disease should exist from Primary Healthcare”.

For the 5th edition, in 2024, the proposed theme is the: “necessity for early diagnosis and lifelong follow-up of people affected by the disease”.

The date of 14 April was chosen for the WCDD because it was the day, in 1909, on which Carlos Chagas diagnosed the disease in the first human being, a two-year-old girl named Berenice Soares de Moura. And Berenice, who lived to be 72 years old, had those two privileges that are still rare today for the majority of the people with infection: an early diagnosis of infection, when she had acute Chagas disease, and a medical support throughout her life.
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Chagas Disease

For control and universal access to treatment

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