To arrive on time to interrupt Chagas disease (V): To Treat or Not to Treat: Informing People Well at Their First Appointment

30 January 2023

5. To Treat or Not to Treat: Informing People Well at Their First Appointment
Juan Simeón Melo, 77, lived most of his life in a rural community. Now he lives in Garagoa, one of the most populated cities in Tenza. He was diagnosed with Chagas at the age of 65, and he regularly visits the internal medicine doctor here at the Tenza hospital.
This doctor, Miller Niño, receives about 30 patients a month with chronic Chagas disease, as well as 2-3 acute cases. An appointment often runs longer than expected, because any detail or other information is potentially important in assessing the health status of patients beyond what the tests can say. As elsewhere, time is valuable, as it is one of the keys to comprehensive care.
Juan Simeon’s brother also has Chagas. However, it was not detected until the heart showed signs of serious damage. He now has a pacemaker. Juan Simeon’s wife and children were also tested and turned out to be negative. After checking Juan’s condition, the internal medicine doctor only recommended that he loses a little weight to help his heart.
As Dr. Niño explains, “during the weeks that the patients are under treatment, they attend three times to a follow-up consultation to check if any side effect appears".
The doctor mentions that, in order to evaluate potential complications, “The patient is not given all the tablets for treatment at the beginning.” This way, we try to get the person to come back for follow-ups. “The problem is that many people who live in rural areas, when they are asymptomatic and otherwise feeling well, do not perceive the need to go back for a follow-up consultation, which sometimes entails a long journey.” In any case, Niño explains, that the side effects from treatment that they have seen thus far have been mild and easy to manage. “A key factor is how you inform the patient at the first consultation”, says Dr. Niño. “That’s when the patient begins to understand not only the importance of treatment, but also how time and potential side effects play into this”.
Pedro José Gutiérrez, 61, comes from a village in Almeida. There, the ‘pito’ is a persistent guest in many homes. He now lives in Garagoa, where he found a job paving the city streets. He earns about 35,000 pesos (7 euros) for a day’s work. He is afraid of having to go to medical appointments for treatment, worrying that it will result in him getting fired from this job that he needs so much. His diagnosis of Chagas was confirmed in September 2022. He has 4 children and tells us that not everyone has been tested for Chagas. He is now about to start treatment. Regarding the ‘pitos’, he says that “Over there in the villages, they believed it was an insect infestation, without any greater consequences”.
While Now it is mid-October and Pedro has come early for treatment, after being diagnosed in September. Others, the doctor tells us, do not show up for their appointment, or they come back only up to one year later, at which point the medical condition has to be re-assessed again.
Both Dr. Niño and Dr. Miguel Mauricio Alba, the doctor with the most years of experience treating Chagas in this municipality, agree that care has improved quite a bit in recent years.
“There is a greater level of interest from healthcare staff now,” Dr. Alba confirms. “Before, the coverage was very poor. Some patients did not show up due to fear and false rumors, or due to lack of interest. The system has improved a great deal now. We should no longer have these kinds of access problems because information is now much more widespread.”
A Comprehensive Health Care Route for Chagas (RIAS) has been implemented for several years now in the departments with the highest incidence of the disease in Colombia. Thanks to this pilot project, developed in collaboration with DNDi, the number of persons diagnosed and treated has increased until 13-fold and 5-fold respectively. This shows that it is possible and crucial to diagnose and provide early treatment at the first tier of healthcare.
Report compiled during field visits by Javier Sancho and Ulrich-Dietmar Madeja. Images from Jorge Martinez.
To arrive on time to interrupt Chagas disease:

World Chagas Disease Day: Toolkit for Social Network

Chagas Coalition launches a social media kit to help raise awareness on this neglected tropical disease on its World Day.

26 March 2024

World Chagas Disease Day is celebrated on April 14 to raise awareness on this neglected disease. It was first celebrated on April 14, 2020, following the approval and endorsement received by the World Health Assembly at WHO in May 2019.
Chagas Coalition offers a social media kit for this year's World Day. The kit contains key information, plus messages and visual graphics and photographs adapted for several social networks (X, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and WhatsApp). Also, a video-message has been made with the participation of representatives from different stakeholders. Our goal is that anyone can raise their voice and be heard, thus contributing to raising awareness and knowledge on this neglected tropical disease that affects more than 6 million people around the world.
Let's participate in the World Chagas Day also digitally to support this cause and raise awareness among the general population about this relevant public health problem. In 2024 we urge governments, public institutions and other actors to work for better diagnosis, treatment and follow-up for the affected people. 
(also in Spanish: PDF or DOCX format)
Download the graphics and visual content from this folder

Keep checking this page to follow all the events scheduled in the month of World Chagas Disease Day 2024
Link to video: Chagas Coalition - Message on this #WorldChagasDay 2024


Chagas Disease

For control and universal access to treatment

Global Chagas Coalition’s members contributions


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