Localized chemical changes in heart tissue during chronic cardiac Chagas Disease

This study analizes the heart tissue of chronically T. cruzi-infected and uninfected mice, to understand the impact of infection on the tissue metabolome.

22 October 2021

The results show differencies amongst regions according to its parasite burden. This identification gives insight into severe cardiac symptom development in 30 % of patients during the chronic stage.

Analyzing this changes brings an approach to understand cardiac symptom better and also shapes a framework for novel Chagas Disease treatment.
Read the entire study by clicking on PLOS.

To arrive on time to interrupt Chagas disease

Chronicle on the experiences we shared with the Chagas community during our visit to Colombia last September, 2022.

A Comprehensive Health Care Route for Chagas (RIAS) has been implemented for several years now in the departments with the highest incidence of the disease in Colombia. Thanks to this pilot project, developed in collaboration with DNDi, the number of persons diagnosed and treated has increased until 13-fold and 5-fold respectively. This shows that it is possible and crucial to diagnose and provide early treatment at the first tier of healthcare.
This report was compiled by the Chagas Global Coalition during field visits with our Coordinator Javier Sancho and Ulrich-Dietmar Madeja (Executive Director NTD Program NTDBayer), at the Tenza Valley, Boyaca (Colombia).
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