Localized chemical changes in heart tissue during chronic cardiac Chagas Disease

This study analizes the heart tissue of chronically T. cruzi-infected and uninfected mice, to understand the impact of infection on the tissue metabolome.

22 October 2021

The results show differencies amongst regions according to its parasite burden. This identification gives insight into severe cardiac symptom development in 30 % of patients during the chronic stage.

Analyzing this changes brings an approach to understand cardiac symptom better and also shapes a framework for novel Chagas Disease treatment.
Read the entire study by clicking on PLOS.


Channel used to communicate and share information, education and communication tools related to the problem of Chagas.

27 September 2022

The BeatChagas Platform is the channel used by the Technical Group No. 6 in Information, Education and Communication (*TG6IEC-Chagas*) of the WHO Chagas Programme to communicate and share information, education and communication (IEC) tools related to the problem of Chagas.
It contains various information, educational and communication materials developed or selected by WG6 to support the achievement of the objectives and implementation of the World Health Organization (WHO) activities in the field of surveillance, prevention and control of Chagas disease in the world. It is also a space where other information and calls that may be of interest and use to anyone related to the topic are shared. 
Through the platform, we hope to generate a space for exchange and reflection, far beyond the biomedical aspects of this multidimensional problem, against which the three IEC axes become indispensable.


Chagas Disease

For control and universal access to treatment

Global Chagas Coalition’s members contributions


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