Localized chemical changes in heart tissue during chronic cardiac Chagas Disease

This study analizes the heart tissue of chronically T. cruzi-infected and uninfected mice, to understand the impact of infection on the tissue metabolome.

22 October 2021

The results show differencies amongst regions according to its parasite burden. This identification gives insight into severe cardiac symptom development in 30 % of patients during the chronic stage.

Analyzing this changes brings an approach to understand cardiac symptom better and also shapes a framework for novel Chagas Disease treatment.
Read the entire study by clicking on PLOS.

#IWearTheTShirt of the World Chagas Disease Day

03 April 2023

Spot for the World Chagas Day 2023
With a simple gesture, you can support the visibility of the fight against Chagas disease. Wear the World Chagas Day T-shirt and upload it to your social networks with the hashtags #IWearTheTShirt of the World Chagas Disease Day or #MePongoLaCamiseta del día Mundial de Chagas. Share it. And if you know influencers in the world of scientific communication, sports or culture, do not hesitate to ask them for their support to wear the T-shirt and upload it to their networks.
This T-shirt has the color of hope and earth, the color of a tree trunk and its leaves. It is the symbol of hope with its feet on the ground, as chosen by the associations of affected people. The logo printed on it also represents the whole community involved in this problem.
Little by little, we are populating the networks with the Chagas Day T-shirt.
If you wish to screen print the t-shirt locally in large quantities, you can do it in white or any other format that is economical. But if it is possible for you to do it in the original green and brown model we encourage you to do it. If you need the design, order it on our website or through the Beatchagas website (at the addresses below).


Contact us to request t-shirt design:

For more information: https://beatchagas.info/

#IWearTheTShirt #PonteLaCamiseta #MePongoLaCamiseta #DíaMundialChagas #BeatNTDs

Chagas Disease

For control and universal access to treatment

Global Chagas Coalition’s members contributions


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