Norman L. Beatty: Oral Chagas disease is as important as its vectorial or vertical transmission

Beatty tells us in ChagasChat about his work in a study with other researchers, and their conclusions on the transmission routes in Colombia.

04 March 2024

Norman L. Beatty, an expert in Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine, is an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine. He has been studying Chagas disease and the triatomines responsible for transmitting the parasite that causes it since 2015.
The study is a collaborative effort between researchers and professors from different universities from Colombia and the United States. It delves into the diversity of oral transmission routes of the Trypanosoma Cruzi, commonly associated with food and drink consumption, which shows also robust clinical manifestations and a higher mortality throughout Latin America.

This work presents a step towards a better understanding of this transmission route and points to a greater compromise for a public health surveillance. Also, it aims to the need for more research on the complex transmission dynamics of Chagas disease and further examine its clinical manifestations; in order to generate greater awareness and better understanding of this Neglected Tropical Disease, which will help reduce the burden of Chagas disease throughout Latin America.
Dr Norman L. Beatty shared a moment with us to talk in our ChagasChat about this study and his experiences and participation on preventing oral Chagas disease in Colombia.

Visit ChagasChat for more interviews with people from the Chagas community and other Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs).

To arrive on time to interrupt Chagas disease

Chronicle on the experiences we shared with the Chagas community during our visit to Colombia last September, 2022.

A Comprehensive Health Care Route for Chagas (RIAS) has been implemented for several years now in the departments with the highest incidence of the disease in Colombia. Thanks to this pilot project, developed in collaboration with DNDi, the number of persons diagnosed and treated has increased until 13-fold and 5-fold respectively. This shows that it is possible and crucial to diagnose and provide early treatment at the first tier of healthcare.
This report was compiled by the Chagas Global Coalition during field visits with our Coordinator Javier Sancho and Ulrich-Dietmar Madeja (Executive Director NTD Program NTDBayer), at the Tenza Valley, Boyaca (Colombia).
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